Sunday, March 21, 2010

Big Budder/Eetle Brudder

We got Parker ad Drew matching shirts. Parker's says "Big Brother" and Drew's says "Little Brother." Of course, Parker says it much cuter, and proudly points to the shirts as he "reads" them.

My aunt is coming to JHMI today to pick me up and take me home (I have my two week post-partum check up in VA tomorrow) and is bringing Parker along. So, I packed the shirts for them to wear. They were supposed to wear them in Drew's newborn pics, but obviousy we aren't able to get those done right now. So, sadly they will be on my cell, and therefore bad quality. Luckily I got both outfits a size too big so they can wear them together this summer.

So excited to give the boys a chance to see each other again. We don't know when Parker is going home to AR, so it might be his last chance to see Drew. That makes me sad, but I know its better for Drew in the long run. I'll just upload the pic, and send Parker home with a copy :)

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